DN5 Marine
Engineering solutions for the next generation

Established in the year 2011 as an LLC company in the UAE, DN5
Marine Pvt Ltd commenced marine engineering operations and has
grown into one of the leading offshore diving, engineering, NDT, and
maintenance contractors. Working with clients worldwide, DN5 is now
an internationally recognized firm, apart from being the most trusted
service provider of customized marine construction and infrastructure
support across Asia-Pacific & the Middle East. With its foundations in
Marine Engineering, DN5 Group has diversified into fields such as
Defence, Civil, Renewable Energy and Biomedical Engineering and is
continually expanding into a multifaceted global company.
Our Services
DN5 Marine has been at the forefront of the marine industry, especially
in diving & NDT services, with major projects in the oil and gas sector
worldwide. DN5 Marine is accredited and equipped for all air and
saturation diving operations by the major classification society, IMCA.
Our team includes professionally trained and qualified IMCA Divers and
Equipment & Diving Supervisors. Our inventory includes all calibrated
diving & NDT testing equipment such as hydraulic power packs,
underwater MPI, eddy current and ultrasonic inspection kits, KMB,
Superlite series and high resolution cameras.
Site operations are backed by our quality management system and
operating procedures to provide a safe working environment for our
people. DN5 also provides additional management, engineering
personnel and CSWIP qualified divers to take control of the inspection
program including all design, site management and final reporting.